
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Battle of wills....

Well, back to work on Monday (4th)... Tilly was steadfastedly refusing a bottle until last week when the health visitor said it was time to 'get tough'. Last time I tried that I only lasted until 11am... so we girded our loins and off we went. 20 hours later she snatched a bottle from Tim and downed the lot - just goes to show what strong little personalities they have even at 6 months. It was not so bad as she managed to take some solids and also I had lots of friends to distract her but still not something I'd like to repeat! At least I can go to work now knowing that she is getting her food without a fuss, just got to work on the solids now (see pics!).

It has been a fantastic 6 months and I have genuinely loved every minute of it. We've met some great people and made some great friends, real friends who, I am sure I will stay in touch with for many years to come. We are lucky to be flexible enough that Tim can look after her and I'm sure that in itself will provide for some interesting posts in the next few weeks :-)


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