
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Louis, Tallulah and Anna... the things we put them through ;-) Posted by Picasa

Some things are best slept through! Posted by Picasa

I'm finally getting some hair! Posted by Picasa

Alternative Christmas day

The day dawned foggy and cold as we planned our assualt on the baby group Christmas day - we'd be out the house for almost 10 hours and had to negotiate swimming; Christmas lunch; secret santa; a panto and mulled wine and mince pies. Bags (many) in hand off we went... and What a Nice Day we had! The lunch was surprisingly nice; the babby's were all in their Santa outfits; the panto was great and they all behaved and we rounded it off with mulled wine and mince pies at Linda's town centre pad - marvellous. What a year it's been with everyone and what a great day to round it all off! Poppet even got a mention on stage.

All together now 'he's behind you!'....

Christmas shopping is not so hard really.... Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 08, 2006

Can I eat this? Posted by Picasa

Poppet has mastered a number of new skills.... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Me and my new high chair :-) Posted by Picasa

Claire, Me, Fi, Linda - and Anna out 'power-pramming' Posted by Picasa