
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Helping mum with the cooking... (and yes I know I have my hands in the toaster....) Posted by Picasa

Out at lunch - me and my Whoozit Posted by Picasa

Out at lunch - mmaybe beer will help the teething??? Posted by Picasa

Sleeping and eating - ah if only life were this easy for us all.... Posted by Picasa

News update...

Well, life continues in its happy way. Tilly is now 4 months old (where does the time go?) and developing quite a cheeky little personality. Her eyes are definitely brown but the jury is still out on her hair colour: her grin is still very definitely cheeky. She is at the 'eat everything' stage and particularly likes her Daddy's knuckles :-) - see picture! She is still a good little girl and sleeps really well - though not sure if teething will make a difference... We'll see.

Big news is that I am back to work on the 4th December (only for 2 weeks before Christmas though!) and Tim has decided to take at least 6 months off to look after Tallulah until she is One: not sure what the correct term will be but I guess house-husband is what most people understand. Be great for Tilly and give Tim a chance to work out what he wants to do long term. Means I have to work full time mind :-( What a lucky little girl!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Whose got the giggles? Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 08, 2006

Still laughing.... Posted by Picasa

Tallulah has learned to laugh... (possibly at her outfit, which, incidentally, had matching knickas which she is obviously trying to show off) Posted by Picasa

Tallulah and her pals Louis and Anna... Posted by Picasa