
Monday, August 28, 2006

Me on my first swing.... Posted by Picasa

I'm so cute, sometimes it hurts... Posted by Picasa

Today I shall be mostly blowing bubbles.... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tilly and Poppy at the races :-) Posted by Picasa

Everyone at the races.... Posted by Picasa

Is that hair ginger??? Posted by Picasa

A day at the races....

We went to the Ebor festival at York races today: if you saw 7 prams by the finishing post that was us (plus a mountian of food)! Tilly had a really lovely time and we managed to come out on top with the betting so that was a plus! The life of gambling obviously suits her as she laughed out loud for the first time when we got home - very cute!

Maternity leave is very hard....

Monday, August 21, 2006

The lovely bride and groom.... Posted by Picasa

I win! Posted by Picasa

"you may be able to walk but that is MY banana...." Posted by Picasa

may, Dad, Edna, Imogen, Natasha, Sarah, Tilly, Mum, Adrian, Isabelle and Tim! Posted by Picasa

Has anyone seen a baby...?  Posted by Picasa

Weddings (and NOT Tallulah!)

We passed a major milestone on Saturday by leaving Tallulah with my mum and dad from 2pm until 11.30pm! Apart from missing her; fretting; phoning every hour and talking about her a lot we had a great time out and about at Craig and Lindsay's wedding with just the 2 of us! The wedding was lovely and the bride looked stunning (as did the groom!).

We also met up with all the family on the Sunday - see attached photo for 3 generations of Kerr's (and Andrew's of course:-))

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Me on my 3rd-month-old-birthday Posted by Picasa

Off centre but still cute! Posted by Picasa

3 months old!

Life is very tough these days for a baby about town: we have baby massage; baby yoga; reflexology; powerpramming; swimming; cinema... not to mention coffee and lunch. Really there are not enough days in the week for Tallulah's busy schedule. However, I am managing to cope - just about.

She is vocalising a lot more and has recently learnt to shout and squeal... oh joy. She has also entered into a lovely bedtime routine that sees her asleep any time from 6-7pm so that is nice for us - Tim and I now need to fill our evenings again! She is still a major smiler, especially in the mornings when she wakes (about 7ish) with her arms and legs going like pistons and a look of sheer joy when she realises we are still there for another day :-)