
Sunday, November 13, 2005

12 weeks. Hiccoughing and kicking. Posted by Picasa

9 weeks... aah Posted by Picasa


Well, the big news is I am up the duff and due in May (fingers crossed) - 13 weeks now and all looking ok. Hurrah. More pictures to follow.

The bride and groom. Lovely. Posted by Picasa

The balcony of love... Posted by Picasa

Nikolai's and Piu's wedding... aaah

Well, what a lovely day! Much swearing tying bow ties; racing to get there in time; bride looked lovely; groom's poem brought a tear to the eye; lots of lovely friends there to chat to; great venue; big red bus; nice grub; slightly mad person compering the speeches; insane dancing even after everyone had left; me sober; Holly snogging a French bloke; Matt over from Spain(but too pissed to speak!); falling aleep at the venue (nice touch); dragging the insane dancers home eventually; driving home through Brixton with a car full of inebriated people in black tie shouting out the windows in a 20 year old mercedes with red leather seats ... what more can we say. Congratulations!